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Flex Your Brain

How We Learn

At Ursuline, STEM and arts power your world. Be a robotics champ and a portraitist, a math star and a poet, a linguist and an entrepreneur. We don’t put limits on what you can achieve.

Our early childhood program, inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy, places curiosity at the center as students investigate the world around them. Project-based-learning continues through high school with interactive experiences challenging girls to expand what they’re capable of — across STEM and the arts.

Search by School Level

The numbers game

  • Complete numeric sequences to learn the foundations of Base 10 math.

Like oil and water

  • Explore intermolecular force and density, two chemistry principles that determine why oil spills float atop the ocean.

Sight seeing

  • Dig deep to learn new sight words in an exercise mixing memory and the senses.

Portrait of a lady

  • Picture yourself across multiple mediums—from photograph to contour drawing to painting.

Space race

  • Develop spatial reasoning by merging color-recognition and construction skills.


  • Build robots that can tackle everyday challenges like picking up an apple or seeing around a corner.

Game of life

  • Reengineer a popular board game with easy-grip pieces and high-contrast graphics for nursing home residents.

Virtual world

  • Experience virtual reality to examine world geography—everything from national identity in Africa to trade subregions in North America.

Add it up

  • Use hands-on counting challenges to lay the cornerstone for solving equations.

Music to your ears

  • Follow in the footsteps of composers from Clara Schumann to Esperanza Spalding by writing your own songs.

Butterflies are free

  • Bring your artistic vision to the study of the insect world.

Bowled Over

  • Develop motor skills and artistic vision simultaneously by forming and painting your own dishes.

3D visions

  • Make your ideas real—and master engineering concepts—by prototyping them on a 3-D printer.

Sure shot

  • Construct a marshmallow-launching cannon by combining the principles of simple machines.

Under the skin

  • Capture your beneath-the-surface essence using a painting style that's all your own.

Forward thinking

  • Imagine a future that merges all your favorite roles: artist, scientist, surfer!

In bloom

  • Mold lifelike flowers—from petals to pistils—in a project where sculpture and science intersect.

By the book

  • Plot the story arc and illustrate key concepts to create your potential bestseller.

Natural wonder

  • Investigate nature's textures, structures and interrelationships to understand the world around you.

Museum worthy

  • Paint Frida Kahlo-inspired self-portraits to learn about technique, history and identity.

Walk the dog

  • Program in Scratch to teach a cyber pet new tricks like navigating an obstacle course.

Through the lens

  • Shoot photos in the style of America's first female photographer: Mother Croix, a trailblazing Ursuline sister.

Pet project

  • Unleash your entrepreneurial spirit as you pitch inventions like doggie bath bombs to Ursuline's "Shark Tank" panel.
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